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The importance of maintenance personnel specialization in maintaining clean room

Source:http://www.szffu.cnRelease time:2017-07-24Views:

Users do not know the above elements often make some blindness of the error, clean also made accessories also changed the room cleanliness or not meet the standard. There are some poor supplies suppliers, exaggerate the results intentionally shorten the life of the filter equipment, misleading customers do not need to change when the replacement, so that the normal maintenance cycle to shorten the regular waste of a lot of manpower and resources, and ultimately worth the candle The If the management of the enterprise management personnel to learn the clean room management standards, is trained through the maintenance system, then all this can be avoided. Professional clean room administrator should be made:

1, according to the clean room cleanliness level and product production process, develop clean room inspection and cleaning schedule, and strictly enforced.

2, in the detection of dust-free room fluctuations in the indicators should be dealt with accordingly, and timely to the responsible person to reflect the value.

3, to guide the clean room of the workers in accordance with the clean room management practices on a regular basis to clean the clean room, the production equipment maintenance.

4, regular inspection of air conditioning air supply system operation, problems in a timely manner. When the air pressure is reduced to replace the early, intermediate filter, when the clean room air volume decreased significantly should replace the end of the high efficiency filter. Develop a replacement schedule for filter consumables and strictly enforce them.

5, but the administrator can not solve their own situation should occur with the project builder to contact, and make emergency treatment to the arrival of professional companies.

In short, the owner of the clean room should have a trained professional clean room management personnel, or to maintain the cleanliness of the clean room can meet the needs of production at any time to achieve high product failure rate has some difficulties The Air conditioning and purification industry should take the initiative to stand out to assume their own responsibilities and obligations.